Chapter 3 questions:
1. Think about the stakeholders in your school community. After you identify them, think of the individuals/teams you have collaborated with and share ways that you have supported them to better understand that collaboration and co-teaching benefits all ELLs.
2. On p. 42, Simplicio (2007) is quoted, "millenial students are better informed, more technologically savvy, and worldlier, they are also more diverse, more demanding, needier, and harder to teach than any other students in the past". What do you believe Simplicio means by this statement? How could this understanding help you create more collaborative relationships with your school community?
3. Please review Figure 3.1 (p. 46). How can we work together to have our school community understand that every ELL child "has a story" (p. 45)?
4. How can the role and responsibilities of the general education teachers change as they collaborate with ESL Resource and Technology Specialists in the school?